Thursday, December 01, 2005

Katrina - Time To Cut The Cord

Let me preface this by saying that I am completely for helping those in trouble. I do not have a problem with assistance in times of need, what I do have trouble with is when those in need start taking advantage and depending on the government and others to act as their nipple.

How long are we as taxpayers suppose to support those that refuse to help themselves? I do know that there are cases in which assistance is still and going to be need for a long time, but there are many more cases in which people are taking advantage of the generosity. Come on, why get a job when FEMA just keeps paying your rent, giving you food, replenishing your debit card, and making excuses for you. You lost your house? Here is a hotel room. Room too small? Here is a trailer. Trailer not right? Here is a house. I have to work for this shit. Maybe it actually is that those of us that work for what we have are better then those who refuse to help themselves.

I use to have a more sympathetic ear to those that were down and out, but over the years I have learned more about the crutch society hands them. If money is free, and you are not embarrassed to collect a government check, then why try.

The most recent events that pertain to this article are as follow:

FEMA give deadline for Katrina Victims placed in hotels.
Groups all over this country are screaming about the victims being left in the cold. How about hearing the honest truth about the statement made by FEMA, not the CNN spin. What FEMA actually said is they would like to move all of those victims who are housed in hotels ( Cost about 220 million tax payer dollars ) to a more permanent residence by the date specified, the government will still pay most if not all the bills. They would just like to start people in the direction of self-sufficiency. They never said they would be cut-off, just relocated.

Plenty of work available in New Orleans
New Orleans Employers are reporting they job market is plentiful.
Ship builders, fast-food restaurants and construction companies are desperate to find workers, enticing job seekers with free laundry service and signing bonuses.
Signs for employment in the Gulf area are everywhere.

So with all this in mind, the media has gone out to ask people living off the government around the country if they are going to head back, and get their lives back on track. Well their answer is no, they claim because of the shortage in housing, there is no reason to head back. Let me propose this. If you are unemployed, raising a family, living off the government, and your are offered a job that would pay you double the salary then you would ever make otherwise. Would you not figure out a way to make it work. In my opinion this is just another excuse to just continue living off the goodwill of others. These are people that most likely had no job before the hurricane, and will have no job after. What they will have though is a new house courtesy of the taxpayers, more welfare money, and a story of excuses that should last a lifetime.

I think we should all find a way to voice our opinion on this topic, whether it is via blog, chatting at the bar, or contacting our local politicians. Again, I have in no way a problem supporting those in need, I just want to make sure that there are limitations on what is given, when the means to take care of yourself are available.