Monday, November 28, 2005

Evolution vs Creationism

Although I am not an expert, I can at least be sure that I have more knowledge in this area then most that are arguing it.

Let me start by saying that I am a Catholic, and that I have attended Catholic Schools all of my life. Throughout all of the schools that I have attended, I have been taught both sides of the argument. The difference was that we were taught Evolution in Science class and Creationism in Religion class. Evolution being taught as a science, and Creationism was taught as a theory. Even the Catholic schools did not try to apply science to Creationism.

I live in a country that has on paper a clear division between church and state. Yet too many Religious right advocates are now trying to sell me that they can apply science to Creationism, dubbing it The Science of Intelligent Design.

Creationists have undoubtedly discounted evolution as a fraud, dismissing virtually all of the geological, paleontological, and astrophysical research that shows that the Earth is billions of years old. When asked to apply proper science to Creationism, the answer received is quite amusing. “It is morally inappropriate to try and prove creationism”. At the Institute for Creation Research, they actually apply that the Grand Canyon was created by the great 40 day 40 night flood, in which Noah placed 2 of every animal on an Ark. First off, how big was that damn boat? Second, how naive would you have to be to first off this that it happened in America, and secondly that the marvel known as the Grand Canyon let alone the whole world was created in Days? You can visit Institution for Creation Research to get the strangest arguments against the facts I could find. To get small glimpse of the rational side visit Creationism versus Science

I do not in any way discourage any opinion, or theory, I just do not want it placed where it does not belong. How do you think a Jewish, or Buddhist family would feel if their child had to be subjected to this nonsense in public school. If you want your child taught a certain belief, or at least be exposed to the possibility. Send them to private school, or enroll them in Catechism class on Sunday.

My bottom line is quite simple, publicly funded programs are not to be mixed with religion. This is the way our forefathers intended it. It is in the Constitution.

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